Fire Fighting system
Fire fighjting system manufacturer, Fire fighting system supplier, Fire fighjting system manufacturer in India, Fire fighting system supplier, in India, Fire fighjting system manufacturers, Fire fighting system suppliers,Automatic Fire Fighting sprnkling system suppliers, Automatic Fire Fighting sprnkling system manufacturer, Fire fighjting system manufacturers, Fire fighjting system suppliers
We supply complete range of Fire Fighting Sysytem on turnkey basis.
- Fire Fighting System
- Automatic Fire Fighting Sprinkling System
We offer Automatic sprinkling system for fire fighting systems for residential buildings and industrial buildings. Automatic sprinkling is used for automatically distribute and Sprinkle the water upon a fire in sufficient quantity to extinguish fire completely or to prevent spreading of fire further by keeping the fire under control, by spraying the water over the fire from the sprinklers. The water is fed to the sprinklers vide a set of piping. Sprinklers are , normally suspended from the roof or placed below it. Sprinklers are installed at certain distances along the pipes as per NEPA/IS Standards,
Sprinkler heads orifice contains fusible link or fusible bulb for the automatic sprinkler, it is normally kept closed,
It normally opens on the actuation or rupture of the temperature-sensitive fusible link or fusible bulb and than flow of water takes place through the sprinklers and it further spreads and dosed the fire.
- Foam Based Fire Fighting Systems,
- Water Spray Fire Fighting Systems,
- Dry Powder Extinguishers,
- Hydrants, Hose Pipe, hose Reel etc,
Eka Mining is, Fire fighjting system manufacturer, Fire fighting system supplier, Fire fighjting system manufacturer in India, Fire fighting system supplier, in India, Fire fighjting system manufacturers, Fire fighting system suppliers,Automatic Fire Fighting sprnkling system suppliers, Automatic Fire Fighting sprnkling system manufacturer, Fire fighjting system manufacturers, Fire fighjting system suppliers